
Demand-oriented Personnel Planning

Planning means forward-looking action. If the success of a company is to be managed, then personnel plays an important role in it. Success depends on the ability to manage costs and income. Personnel is a cost factor but also a success factor. To make income, a service must be provided in the market. The ability to provide services requires personnel.

How many staff are needed to provide the intended service? How much personnel expenditure is warrantable for the service offer? What is the age pattern within the company like? In order to answer these questions, the operational processes and existing personnel must be examined and analysed. A review of the personnel requirements must be carried out regularly as part of corporate development.

We will happily advise and support you in determining your individual personnel requirements and provide you with proposals for personnel acquisition.

Personnel Marketing

According to the "Trendemployer 2006" survey only a few IT graduates are still prepared to put their private life on hold for the benefit of their careers [1].
Another graduate study also showed that the desire for a good balance between private life and work has also moved up to ninth place among criteria of importance among economists therefore ranking above aspects such as choice of location and job security [2].
Companies wishing to recruit up-and-coming executives need to take this value change into consideration in their personnel policy.

But how can your company be appealing enough to up-and-coming executives and seasoned professionals to make them interested in your company? The first step is to analyse your "appeal points", i.e. which aspects attract new, motivated employees?

In the second step these "appeal points" should be externally and efficiently communicated.

We will help you to determine your existing appeal points and
together develop a concept.

[1]Tagesspiegel 26.03.2007
[2] Junge Karriere 11/04

Employment Law

The legal requirement has been in existence since 1.1.2002 (section 1a, para. 1 of the Austrian Corporate Old Age Pension Improvement Act). The deferred compensation entitlement, regardless of the individual salary, shall depend on the amount. All employees who, due to the nature of their employment with the employer are compulsorily insured under the statutory pension insurance, shall be entitled to deferred compensation in accordance with section 17, para. 1 of the Austrian Corporate Old Age Pension Improvement Act.

Where the employer does not offer any company pension plan or deferred compensation, it should expect high claims for indemnification. These may also occur later when employees or former employees find out about their rights before the start of the pension. If it is then established that the employee or former employee has not been offered any possibility of a company pension plan or there is no evidence of such an offer, the employee or former employee may demand compensation for what they calculate they would have received had they taken out a pension plan on 01.01.2002 or afterwards at the time of entering a pension scheme.

We will happily advise and support your here and show you a legally faultless procedure that is cost-neutral for you and means very little administrative expense. Non-wage labour costs within social security can also be reduced by a company pension scheme.

      © 2008/12 Roland Malberg Ankershofenstrasse 35 | A 9020 Klagenfurt | Austria | Tel: +43 (0) 463 913883-10